Thursday, May 30, 2019


Assimilate is a new horror sci-fi movie

Are you ready to be replaced?

Already from reading the plot, you will know that this sci-fi horror movie is about people being copied and replaced. Also, tiny insect-looking creatures seem to be everywhere all of a sudden.
However, the tiny creatures are one thing. There are also some larger creatures that bite you and this is when everything begins. Once bitten, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before a copy of you will appear.   "First they bite you, and then they turn into you."   The film is about three friends making a web series about their small town who discover that their neighbors are being killed and replaced by creatures who are perfect copies of their victims. Sounds creepy - a bit like Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets Species, something like that ----  (THEANTJACK LOVES THIS MOVIE)  Not Perfect but, i love the plot, would rather see the people taken over without anyone having to (@&*) see the movie for that      


  1. Interesting. I didn't know about this. It seems to take Body Snatchers and adds more horror and suspense.

    1. Yes's truly a complete invasion of the bodysnacthers ripoff but anything of that genre is welcomed by me...bye, there is supposed to be a new installment of invasion of the bodysnacthers coming soon.....I hope it's as good as the first 2 ... The last one was horrible


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